vineri, 24 octombrie 2008

Arcaïde - Cyclic Sound From the Form

Year: 2008
Genre: Psychedelic Dark Ambient

Benjamin Cecilio aka Arcaïde is a French composer who has already released a few albums. With this new ambient opus on Divine Comedy he explores disturbing ambient fields full of horror noises and haunting atmospheres. Like being lost in a sonic labyrinth full of cold and desperate music fields. Being inspired by different forms of surrealistic, abstract, dark psychedelic and dada art, Arcaïde explores the realms of the surreal and unknown. The compositions are filled with a huge number of sounds and different layers of ambient structures. The main feeling emerging from this process is a kind of horror soundtrack. Cyclic Sound From the Form sounds like a day in hell. A few vocals are haunting like ghosts through the corridors of mystery. It’s a fascinating experience for all lovers of cold sweat!

Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve

Year: 2004
Genre: Ambient/Black Metal

Despite the dubious nature of Velvet Cacoon, their sole ‘public’ album Genevieve is certainly a uncompromising masterpiece, possessing a claustrophobic and haunted beauty. The distorted guitar tone that dominates the mix sounds as if it was recorded underwater, adding to the oceanic themes evoked by the tracks “P.S. Nautical” and “Avalon Polo”. The cold and alien sound emitted from these blurred riffs is daunting, making the mystery of its creation ever more compelling. Deep, propulsive drum machine rolls provide the current for these black pools, moving at a constant, unchanging rhythm that palpitates like a terrified heartbeat. Strange, distant vocals whisper and hiss in the shadows, providing a menacing and ghostly presence to the ruminations. The entire experience is enveloping, opening black holes to suck in all light and emotion, leaving you to contemplate the harsh throes of the universe. While Genevieve may initially sound disturbing, it is also a hypnotic and existential listen, instigating deep reflection and wonder long after the bleak ambient closer “Beta Noir” has faded to black.

Underjordiska - Landscapes of Depression

Year: 2004
Genre: Ambient/Black/Noise

It'd take a band as audacious as Underjordiska to show us just how many levels of abstraction black metal has to be percolated through before it loses its fundamental quiddity. Yet from the active artist's perspective, it would be detrimental to impose any sort of compositional framework on his or her work, and this is exactly the album's main strength -- other than being an experiment in form, its music might lack a utilitarian purpose but it seethes with emotional honesty.


Year: 2002
Genre: Ambient/Black Metal

This really is a remarkable feat for a first demo, creating an ambiance and atmosphere that is all its own. It seems to serve as a promo, or taster, for the first full-length, but this easily stands alone, and is a fantastic effort in its own right. It is very much black metal, but there are ambient sections added in, passages of distorted, rumbling noise, haunting keyboard work and all manner of techniques interspersed to create a deep and captivating atmosphere. The black metal elements are also remarkably well done. Unusual and unpredictable tremolo-picked chord progressions soar above unrelenting programmed drum beats, accompanied by inhuman screams drenched in reverb and effects that give the illusion of immense distance. The second track has a far more industrial feel, with distorted, whispered vocals over deep, almost choral keyboards, pounding beats and jarring metallic clangs and scraping sounds. It is very repetitive, but in a captivating, hypnotic manner rather than a boring one.

Year: 2003
Genre: Ambient/Black Metal

Dark Space I is first a mystery to the auditor. An indefinable mix of different styles, samples and ambient sounds combined to a terrifying musical abyss. But after several wanderings through Darkspace’s dimension, you’ll notice the fine differences in each song which make every track to a stand alone masterpiece that fascinates you for hours.

Year: 2005
Genre: Ambient/Black Metal

Dark Space II exists as an organic entity where melody is made by thick bass notes – sanguine spasms that pulsate under a thin, gossamer web of guitar, reminiscent to the tone of horror flicks ambient. The music represents an amorphous mass, hard to break down in pieces due to the compact style with which the instruments are played. The composition brings to mind the sobriety and icy tension of doom metal, tension that discharges into the listener through vast detonations of static that don’t disturb the flow of already overburdened sound.

Year: 2008
Genre: Ambient/Black Metal

The music of Darkspace here is a blend of the first two albums. The heavy rhythmic palm muting riffs of the first album that almost gave a death metal touch are back after being put aside for "II". The huge airy and open keyboard sounds of two are also back, and III almost feels as if it is the best of the first two albums blended together. The songs are all very long, but this time the music is as varied as ever for Darkspace standards. One of the key things that Darkspace do are create a wall of sound rather than distinct riffs and melodies. This is effective because you don't notice repeats or reoccurring structures which makes the music flow very organically. The mix is also very organic, including a good amount of distortion on the guitars bass and vocals. The drumming is still being handled by a computer and I think the synth is also programmed as it is rarely actually playing anything melodic. The synth creates moods and bursts of sound which work extremely effectively.

Fungoid Stream - Celaenus Fragments

Year: 2004
Genre: Ambient/Funeral Doom

Fungoid Stream is a two piece from Argentina. One handling vocals [Simon O.] and one handling all the instruments [Joseph C.], the whole concept of the band is based on the works of writer extraordinaire H.P. Lovecraft, the lyrical concept and even the band name is all product of the influence of Howard Phillips on these guys. This stuff is really atmospheric, dense, slow, funeral doom. The clean guitars mix with the distorted ones creating a aura of uneasiness, the pounding riffs and the ever present keyboard adds a eerie atmosphere to each song, reminder of the bands main influence.

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